The Perfect Cup of Coffee
Over the past week or so, I’ve been asked a couple of times about my process for making a cup of coffee. I am not sure if its up to the hipster barista standards of some folks, but it makes a damn fine cup in less time than an automated coffee maker (take that technology!). So here is what I do.
Total time: 3-5 min
- Baratza Virtuoso Perciso Burr Grinder
- Baratza Esatto
- Zojirushi Hybrid Water Boiler and Heater
- Chemex 3-cup
- Chemex Filters
- Whole Coffee Beans
(Yeah, some of that is overkill, but if you are going to bang a nail, might as well use a big ass hammer.)
- The water boiler should be filled and set at 195 degrees.
- You have 5 minutes.
- Set the Esatto to 23.5 grams (I like it a bit on the light side)
- Make sure the Perciso is set to 24 on the main dial and E on the micro-dial.
- Put your beans in the grinder and press start.
- While its grinding, fold your coffee filter according to the instructions and put it in the Chemex (with the triple fold in the front).
- Set the Water Boiler to “Slow” and wet the filter in the Chemex.
- Pour the water out of the Chemex. Don’t worry about the filter, it won’t fall out of the Chemex.
- put the ground beans in the Chemex.
- Put the Chemex under the Water Boiler, and with it still set at slow pour just enough water to cover the beans. I tend to move the Chemex in a circular motion to make sure the beans are totally covered.
- At this point, wait. The beans should bubble a bit, like gas is escaping from the ground beans. This is called blooming, and it is good. (Also an indication of fresh beans.)
- After about 30 seconds, fill the rest of the Chemex. Let it empty into the lower chamber, keeping the beans underwater. I tend to fill it about 1.5 times.
- Once it fills to the “bump” on the outside of the Chemex, stop and toss the filter plus grounds.
- pour it in the cup.
Boom. Good ass coffee.