It Just Takes a Bullet
When I turned 18, I was surprised.
I never told anyone why I was surprised, but surprised I was. Surprised of what?
That I was alive.
I wasn’t in the Army; I didn’t live in a war-torn country. No life-threatening disease.
You see, my high school, independence High in the East Side of San Jose, sits near the intersection of Story and King. When I was in school it had a high level of criminal/gang activity )it appears to have gotten a lot better), and with gangs of all ethnic types, that activity led to a lot of brutal, horrible things.
(Before my mom freaks out, where I lived–near Milpitas–was and is a very nice middle class neighborhood. I took the bus to school, and because of where I lived, I couldn’t go to Piedmont High, which was actually closer. I don’t regret one minute of Independence. Not one. Oh, and not everyone in the school was a gang member, I had lots of friends that...